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clio grow dushyant


Every firm needs clients to survive. To put it mildly, zero customers means zero growth, and no firm would want that.

As a lawyer, the number of your clients will determine how far or how relevant you are going to be in that field. And so, your old or prospective clients, the goal is to keep them in the fold. And how do you do this is the main question here. What is the best way to perform client intake,  retain clients in the cloud, and which is the best software to use for this task?

The answer is right at the palm of your hand – Clio Grow! Formerly known Lexicata before it got rebranded in 2018 to Clio Grow. Even when you are working remotely, Clio grow helps you attract prospective clients online, and also retain those clients. One of the important attributes of Clio grow is how it can automate your client intake processes! That is, through the use of shareable online clients intake forms, e signatures, etc. which makes firms intake very easy, and efficient.

Furthermore, as a lawyer, you can also make use of Clio Grow to manage your firm intakes, schedule consultations, track your revenue and leads, initiate communication, all these which you can afterward transfer to Clio manage. It can also be used to make and accept payments online.

Also as a lawyer, there are some “important tasks and the not-so-important tasks” that you will have to take care of. Clio Grow can help you automate those “not so important tasks” or redundant tasks such as email follow-up, data entry, etc. thereby giving you more time to attend to other tasks.

We Can Help

Clio Grow basically gives you the power to be in charge of your firm intakes, and also control how you use your time. So all these make up for good reasons why Clio Grow is a necessity for your firm. So don’t hesitate to contact Dushyant’s Legal Services so that we can help you set this up!